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Hello everyone, I am officially starting my blog posts!! I hope you all are doing well, I am currently in Thailand and it is amazing here! In this first blog I’m just gonna be sharing with you all some of the things I have experienced since I left in January.

So where better to start than Training Camp? This is where they trained us for the field. We had Training Camp for two weeks and just the difference between when I showed up to Training Camp and when I left training camp was insane. Training Camp honestly broke down so many walls that I had up that I didn’t even realize were there. It was also just a great place to get to know everyone on our squads. Squads are what we call the whole group that is going on the trip and then from there we are split into teams.

Now, if you are not familiar with World Race let me go ahead and give you the rundown. I am currently launched for one of their many programs at Adventures in Missions and World Race is part of Adventures in Missions.The trip that I am currently on is called an expedition or the 11 month race.

Now you might be looking at the name of it and be like “race? Are you racing other teams? Why is it called “The World Race”? I’ll be honest, I don’t know the answers to all of those questions but what I do know is that we are not racing anyone there is no competition involved. World Race is simply put a Christian organization that trains and equips willing missionaries for missions and then sends them out. Don’t worry they do check in on us. It’s not like they say “alright off you go” and then leave us to fend for ourselves. So what does this “11 month expedition” all include? On this trip I will go to 6 different countries and the whole trip lasts 11 months.

So what countries and what am I doing? At Adventures in Missions they do tell us to hold all information given to us with open hands, basically meaning that anything could change at any given moment and we should be ready for it. As of right now though the 6 countries on our itineraries are Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. I am in Thailand right now and I can tell you just from the short 3 weeks that I have been here it’s been amazing and honestly life changing. When my team got to where we are staying currently, it was a challenge from the moment we arrived because we had to carry our bags up six flights of stairs, lol. It was worth it though and we could not have gotten a better ministry host. We are working for an organization called Gateway teaching our students basic administrative skills and English. I’d say being here especially with the team I am here with has just honestly been a blessing.


First things first, I have been making posts on my instagram and facebook about how my fundraising has been going and well I haven’t made much progress but I am currently shooting for 35% funds reached by March 9th. If I get there then I will be getting my ears pierced here in Thailand. I am currently at 16 percent funded so we just need about 20% more in order to reach the goal. I will be reaching out in this week to people who show interest in partnering with me in this season. If you are feeling like you want to partner with me but you want some more information please let me know and I will do my best to get you the information that you need. There are a few things that we are doing currently that I am not allowed to share specifics about and that won’t change for this specific ministry/ country but it could be different in the future countries. We are going to be going to Malaysia next and we should be getting all the information about where we are staying and what kind of ministry we are doing there pretty soon and I will let you all know when I find out.

So anyways that’s just kind of an update on my life right now. I hope you all have a blessed week and please just continue to keep me in your prayers and keep sharing my posts on Instagram and Facebook!! Here is my donation link if you feel called to partner with me

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Dylan Hildebrand

This blog for Dylan Hildebrand is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.